Case Studies

Mascot Case Study


by | May 22, 2021

The decision of having our building worked on was a huge decision. Who to contact ? who to believe? who to trust and who to Select ?

Our committee spent many weeks and months meeting companies to inspect and quote and explain all that was required for our problem to be solved – and we ended up more confused than ever.

We enlisted an engineering building company that inspected the whole building to give us a complete schedule of works required, that way we had a sort of ‘map’ so we knew what needed to be done when and how it would be performed. The company then tendered for the work which the waterproofing of the roof was the first task to be done. This was the most important item on our agenda.

After many meetings with companies and methods available, we selected Stormforce Solutions – Jake, because he was the most advanced person with solutions not just band aid quick fixes.

One example was a  garage concrete leak from the roof of the garage, where the engineering Building  company and most of the other companies that were quoting for the job, simply suggested that a ‘TRAY’ be installed to ‘CATCH ANY DROPS of WATER !!!!

Jake had a word to us and said that , installation of ‘a tray’ to catch the drops of water wasn’t the best solution, suggesting instead , that an injection repair INTO the crack would be the best way to seal it – to SOLVE the problem.

Stormforce / Jake suggested the pros and cons of all the available systems on the market that we could select from , and (The owners ) being totally inexperienced and unknowledgeable, we needed to trust someone who had the experience in SOLVING the problem and not  ripping us off ! – after all, WE were the ones who were paying for the work !

After discussing the methods and systems available we selected the Torch on waterproofing system, which best suited our roof and our budget.

The work was completed in an orderly manner, quiet, on time and not drawn out, with a minimum of fuss or confusion.  Everything Stormforce said they would do – they did!

Even the space that we allocated to store the materials while on site, tools etc , was kept neat and tidy ( This is a sign of professionalism and respect, which is commendable.)

We were kept up to date with the happenings, preparation, delivery of materials, start times, schedules, duration, , etc and were / are very happy with the job , and it looks great too.

This was  (and can be ) a difficult decision to make , because it’s quite an expensive and vast undertaking.

We are very happy with the choice we have made – choosing Stormforce and Jake to supply and install our Torch On Waterproofing to our roof.

If you need any clarification please contact us directly.

Greg Pace

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